Center for Neighborhoods may be celebrating its 50th year in 2022, but the Neighborhood Institute, our flagship educational outlet, is back for it’s 38th spring session. This is an exciting time of year for us, because we have the ultimate privelege of greeting and getting to know the faces of Louisville’s newest boots-on-the-ground neighborhood leaders.
Neighborhood Institute is a 12-week educational opportunity for those committed to learning the ins and outs of how urban and community planning works for us, how it fails us, and how we can influence it to improve life in our own neighborhoods. Together, we delve into community organizing and we scrape the surface of city politics, all with the aim of creating a comprehensive toolbox from which local Louisville leaders can draw when they need to craft a solution in community with others.

Neighborhood Institute is one place our mission—”engaging with neighbors to build great neighborhoods”—comes to life. We learn and grow together with neighborhors who recognize the assets and needs in their community and want to take action to improve the space for everyone.
Are you, or do you know someone who: checks in on your neighbors?, keeps your neighborhood streets clean?, wants to take a more active role in your neighborhood? Neighborhood Institute sounds like a good fit! We’re kicking off the 2022 spring session this Thursday, January 27th, and the fall session will begin in August.
To sign up for Neighborhood Institute email Mikal forbush at