When a week feels like forever, it’s probably a good time to reach out for some laughter and support.

It’s tumultuous times out there, with each new day bringing fresh updates and expert perspectives on the COVID-19 crisis. The days may seem long now, but there’s almost certainly a wide unknown road ahead. All of us here at CFN hope – and truly believe! – the best way to travel this road is to be in the company of our neighbors, and we’re offering some tips and resources (inspired by On Being‘s Listening Care Package for Uncertain Times) for moving forward.
From Tia: I am keeping my playlist full of encouraging music and staying thankful and prayerful everyday for the health and safety of all. Positive vibes only!
From Ryane: Having myself and the kids on a set schedule is keeping me productive.
I’m staying positive by taking to social media to share how everyone is dealing with the situation. I created @ThisIsSocialDistance on Instagram in an effort to remind people we are in this together, just not together together.
From Hannah: I’m making time for exercise (yes, even in my apartment!), sticking to a to-do list I make each morning with coffee, and taking long walks in my favorite nature spots (when it’s not raining – uuhhh, hello, March in Kentucky).

There’s a lot of different ways to maintain good mental and physical health during this unprecedented, unseasonable time. Below is a list of resources that we hope will support you in your daily efforts to stay positive, productive, and connected.
This is not an exhaustive list! Please reach out on Facebook and Instagram to share your own resources and ideas!
Connecting to Community
Start a neighborhood pod in your community: Louisville Mutual Aid Network.
If you’re fit and able, volunteer! Check out Louisville Community Ministries Mobilization Sign-Up.
If you feel financially secure, Keep Louisville Restaurants Strong, or go to Metro’s Gift Card Give Back.
Snag some fresh air and go for a stroll – collect trash and litter along the way! You might even get inspired, and Adopt-A-Plot on your block.
Contribute to a cause you really care about. If you have the mental space, submit your comment to Congress to support transit funding as the COVID-19 wave breaks. Or, if you have the extra dollars, donate to the LEE Initiative and their work to support the hospitality industry during this strange time.
Stay connected spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. The Center for Interfaith Relations here in Louisville has compiled a list of local Houses of Worship with online services. (If you know of a faith-based service that is accessible online but not included in this list, please contact a,valon@interfaithrelations.org).
Podcasts Help Fight Loneliness!
For the nerds out there, satisfy your reader’s itch and check out The Partially Examined Life.
If you’re at all curious about the world – or an introvert in need of memorable conversation fillers – try 99% Invisible.
Something local is always good: Louisville Public Media’s In Conversation and Strange Fruit.
And music! Always, music. Add some light to your days with The Music Box, for both kids, and the young-at-heart.
Arts, Culture, and General Inspiration
Fund for the Arts has compiled a really excellent list of resources both to support local artists and keep the rest of us connected to the arts. A vital connection in this uncertain time!
Take advantage of small local businesses offering delivery: Preston Arts Center is a great way to stock up on the art and craft supplies you need to get through days stuck at home.
Kentucky Shakespeare is offering some Facebook live-streaming. It’s not Central Park but it’s still incredible acting!
Three wonderful online spaces for gathering poetry and literature and more to fuel your mental energy and lead to you uplifting places: Brainpickings, Orion Magazine, and Poetry Unbound.
Physical Wellness is Just as Important
These three sites can be helpful for you to stay fit, even when you’re stuck at home. You can even share with those you love!
Fitness Blender has almost 600 free workout videos that accommodate the pros AND the beginners.
Do Yoga With Me is a one-stop hub for free yoga instruction. They offer guided meditation videos too!
Louisville Ballet is live-streaming select barre and pilates workout routines. Check ’em out and give ballet a try in the privacy of your home!