March may have felt like 3 months, but April has finally arrived!

The sun is shining for longer and the days are warming – just as winter passes, so will the coronavirus pandemic eventually end. While it’s good and important to hold on to this thought, we know how heavy all the uncertainty weighs. In light of the continued quarantine, physical distancing requirements, and ever-daunting unknowns, we offer this follow-up virtual care package (,click here to view the first Care Package!) for all of our Louisville Neighbors.
Throughout this strange time, all of us at Center for Neighborhoods are sustaining our community relationships, checking-in daily with our resident partners, offering technical support to neighborhood groups, and sharing engagement practices for quarantine times. We are participating in the Community Ministries COVID-19 case management, as well as volunteering for their meal support services. Plus we have launched a ,new map you can explore that illustrates data from the COVID-19 pandemic, both in Kentucky and across the globe.

And thankfully, we’re not alone! Local organizations and individuals are rising to meet this challenging moment – from Teddy Abrams and the Louisville Orchestra to the Shelby Park Neighborhood Association – and showing just how compassionate and connected our Louisville community can be.
So, here is our invitation to you: Instead of clicking that news article, take a scroll through this thoughtfully gathered list! There’s something in here for everyone.
For the extrovert, introvert, and everyone in between: Mayor Fisher and Louisville Metro Government have started Lift Up Lou to provide access and connection across the city, in spite of social distancing. Click to connect on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
If you or someone you love is taking care of young people during this time: the Smoketown Family Wellness Center shares helpful tips for keeping your kids calm during COVID-19.
If you or someone you love is an artist: Teddy Abrams (music director for the Louisville Orchestra), Kentucky Performing Arts, and the city have collaborated to create the Louisville Artist Network as a way to uplift local artists and keep art alive in our city. And Fund for the Arts has crafted an online resource center specifically for our vibrant artist community.
If you, or someone you know, faces unemployment, financial insecurity, or other life uncertainties during this time, the following are entry points for accessing assistance and support:
LHOME’s Pandemic Response Loan Program
Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARE’s Act
Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program COVID-19
Check out the following resources compiled by our local friends and organizational partners that cover things like mediation tips, where to obtain food assistance, how and what changes to advocate for, and more:
Center for Nonprofit Excellence
Center for Interfaith Relations
Community Toolbox Coronavirus Response Tools
Earth and Spirit Center’s Mental Health Resources
Smart Growth America Emergency Stabilization and Economic Recovery Remmendations
A lot of initiatives and organizations are on pause, the US Census included! Click here to see the latest updates to the census timeline.
And last but NOT LEAST, for your heart and soul:
Find inspiration in your Louisville neighbors…check out the Shelby Park Neighborhood Association and start a Porch Party in your own neighborhood!
Visit Orion to download a daily dose from their rich archive. Read aloud with a friend, add to your homeschool lesson plans, or find inspiration for your own mid-pandemic writing.