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1126 Berry Blvd, Ste 300
Louisville, KY 40215


Dedicated to partnering with neighborhood residents to create change in their communities for 50 years.

Center For Neighborhoods has cultivated grassroots leadership, provided leadership education, partnered with neighborhoods in community planning efforts, facilitated civic dialogue among stakeholders and actively participated in neighborhood-based development & improvement projects as an independent, 501c3 organization

Our Team

Our Mission

Connecting people to create vibrant neighborhoods.

Center for Neighborhoods believes in the power of neighbors willing to invest in their neighborhood’s future. Neighborhoods affect access to opportunity. We can drive economic opportunity and social well-being in neighborhoods that have experienced long-term disinvestment by partnering with neighbors to create and sustain inclusive and thriving neighborhoods. We do this through our three program areas: Community Engagement; Education & Leadership; and Planning & Design.

Our Values

Asset Based

We believe that all communities and individuals have histories, strengths, gifts, abilities and knowledge to share, and that great neighborhoods are built by connecting and building upon these core strengths.

People Centered

We believe that people and relationship are the foundation of great neighborhoods, and that our work should be led by their collective voice.

Place Matters

We believe that design, history, and culture nourish authentic places and affect the overall quality of life for residents and help to create a unique sense of place that is the core of great neighborhoods.


We believe that great neighborhoods are built through collaboration. We work to create greater impact in the neighborhoods we serve by leveraging and connecting the strengths of partners and neighbors.


Each neighborhood is unique, has value, and has a different lived experience. We believe great neighborhoods should also provide equitable access and opportunity to all. Therefore, we focus our work primarily, but not exclusively, in communities that have historically experienced disinvestment.


We believe that great neighborhoods come from a commitment to the long-term and comprehensive well-being of neighbors, neighborhoods, our larger community, and its institutions in the context of promoting healthy local environments, while minimizing our negative impact on the environment as a whole.


We believe great neighborhoods are built through trust. In order to maintain the trust of neighbors, partners, and donors, we must operate with the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, service, transparency, accountability, and fiduciary responsibility.

Join our mission to build great neighborhoods

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