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July Neighbor Spotlight: Jerry Ramirez

The July Neighbor Spotlight shines on Jerry Ramirez from Wilder Park. He is part of a team of neighbors who are co-designing Better Block 2023 which will be held in Wilder Park on August 12th & 13th at the Wilder Park Community CenterHuston-Quin Park, and “Historic Wilder Avenue“.

What is your name?

Jerry Ramirez

What neighborhood do you live in?

Wilder Park

What does your work focus on?

Youth and Childcare Services

Tell us about yourself!

I was originally born in Mexico where I was raised by two hard-working, loving, and God-fearing parents until my sixteen birthday. At twelve, I had become a US citizen through the heritage of my American grandma, and with much support from a generous family, I jumped into the opportunity to move to the US to pursue the dream of becoming a student athlete in college. From 2012-201, the dream became a reality, and I played soccer at the University of Louisville (2012-2016) as I earned a degree in Finance and later an MBA. Today, I am a husband to my wife Rebecca and a Father to my 9 month old daughter Abby. I work for UPS as an International Air Network planner for the Asia Region and serve as a non-staff pastor at Sojourn Midtown church. Aside from work and ministry responsibilities, I enjoy playing soccer with friends, coaching kids, eating popcorn and pizza on movie night with Rebecca, drinking sweet tea and eating burgers with my extended family, and taking walks with Abby around Wilder Park neighborhood.

What do you love about your neighborhood?

I love the friendliness of the neighbors as I walk the streets with Abby and Rebecca, how close we are in location to exciting city events, and the splash zone at Huston Quinn Park!

How and why did you get involved in your community?

A pastor at our church once challenged us to be creative and think about the gifts God has given us that our neighbors may appreciate. I have been given the gift of playing soccer competitively for many years and coaching youth during my college career. Thus, I wanted to share that gift with our neighbors at no cost, so there would be no financial challenge for those who can’t afford to have their kids in formal soccer clubs.

What have you been working on recently in your neighborhood?

This summer I organized a Friday evening soccer game for kids 6-10 years old. I shared my equipment including two mini goals, cones, and vests. We played weekly for about 1 hour and 15 mins and then, enjoyed some popsicles after the games as a refreshment for the hot weather.

What are your hopes for your neighborhood in the future?

In the short term, I would like to organize the weekly soccer game again next Summer and spread the word about the the game to more people.

In the long term, I hope we can work with the city so the green grass area where we played this summer can eventually turn into an established soccer pitch where people from all ages can enjoy the game of soccer. Soccer is a great way for us as neighbors to build friendships, grow in teamwork, and meet people from all over the world!

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